abrir | cerrar | to open | to close |
abuelo | abuela | grandpa | grandma |
abundante | escaso | abundant | scarce |
accidental | intencional | accidental | intentional |
aceptar | rechazar | to accept | to decline |
acortar | extender | to shorten | to extend |
activo | pasivo | active | passive |
admitir | negar | to admit | to deny |
afilado | desafilado | sharp | blunt |
aguantar | soltar | to hold on | to let go |
ajustado | suelto | tight | loose |
alabar | criticar | to praise | to criticize |
alargar | minimizar | to enlarge | to minimize |
alquilar | prestar | to rent | to let |
alto | bajo | high | low |
altura | profundidad | height | depth |
amanecer | atardecer | sunrise | sunset |
amar | odiar | to love | to hate |
amplio | estrecho | wide | narrow |
animar | desanimar | to encourage | to discourage |
anticuado | moderno | old-fashioned | modern |
antiguo | nuevo | old | new |
añadir | eliminar | to add | to remove |
aparecer | desaparecer | to appear | to disappear |
apellido | nombre | last name | first name |
aprobar | suspender | to prove | to disprove |
aprobar | rechazar | to approve | to refuse |
artificial | natural | artificial | natural |
ascender | descender | to ascend | to descend |
ascender | descender | to ascend | to descend |
atacar | defender | to attack | to defend |
aterrizar | despegar | to land | to take off |
ático | sótano | attic | cellar |
atraer | repeler | to attract | to repel |
aumentar | disminuir | to raise | to lower |
aumentar | bajar | to rise | to fall |
auténtico | falso | real | fake |
barato | caro | cheap | expensive |
beneficiar | dañar | to benefit | to harm |
beneficioso | dañino | beneficial | harmful |
brevedad | duración | shortness | length |
buena suerte | mala suerte | good luck | bad luck |
bueno | malo | good | bad |
buscar | encontrar | to find | to lose |
caballero | dama | gentleman | lady |
caliente | frío | hot | cold |
cansado | despierto | tired | awake |
capaz | incapaz | capable | incapable |
cargar | descargar | to load | to unload |
causa | efecto | cause | effect |
cerrado | abierto | closed | open |
cielo | infierno | heaven | hell |
claro | nubloso | clear | foggy |
claro | confuso | clear | unclear |
cocinado | crudo | cooked | raw |
colorido | de un color | colorful | single-colored |
colorido | incoloro | colored | colorless |
comestible | venenoso | edible | poisonous |
cómodo | incómodo | comfortable | uncomfortable |
Comprueba tus conocimientos de los opuestos en inglés
En inglés, ¿cuál es el opuesto de purchase?
En inglés, ¿cuál es el opuesto de hate?
En inglés, ¿cuál es el opuesto de polite?
En inglés, ¿cuál es el opuesto de approve?
En inglés, ¿cuál es el opuesto de short?
Opuestos en Inglés
te recomendamos estudiar más!!
Eres un crack!!!
Comparte tus resultados:
Más opuestos en inglés
completamente | parcialmente | completely | partially |
compra | venta | purchase | sale |
comprador | vendedor | buyer | seller |
comprar | vender | to buy | to sell |
conectar | desconectar | to connect | to disconnect |
confiar | desconfiar | to trust | to distrust |
confuso | claro | hazy | clear |
congelar | derretir | to freeze | to melt |
conocido | desconocido | known | unknown |
conocimiento | ignorancia | knowledge | ignorance |
conscientemente | inconscientemente | consciously | unconsciously |
construir | destruir | to build | to destroy |
contraer | expandir | to contract | to expand |
contratar | despedir | to hire | to dismiss |
coraje | cobardía | courage | cowardice |
correcto | incorrecto | right | wrong |
corto | largo | short | long |
creer | dudar | to believe | to doubt |
cruel | amable | cruel | kind |
cuidado | sin cuidado | careful | careless |
cuidado | descuidado | careful | careless |
culpable | inocente | guilt | innocence |
culpable | inocente | guilty | innocent |
cuñado | cuñada | brother-in-law | sister-in-law |
dar | coger | to give | to take |
débil | fuerte | weak | strong |
dependiente | independiente | dependent | independent |
desconfianza | confianza | distrust | trust |
despertarse | dormirse | to wake up | to fall asleep |
desventaja | ventaja | disadvantage | advantage |
día | noche | day | night |
Dios | diablo | God | devil |
distancia | proximidad | distance | proximity |
divertido | triste | funny | sad |
divorciado | casado | divorced | married |
doctor | paciente | doctor | patient |
dulce | agrio | sweet | sour |
duro | suave | hard | soft |
educado | maleducado | polite | rude |
elegante | casual | dressy | casual |
empaquetar | desempaquetar | to pack | to unpack |
empezar | parar | to start | to stop |
empezar | terminar | to begin | to end |
empujar | tirar | to push | to pull |
enano | enorme | tiny | huge |
encender | apagar | to ignite | to extinguish |
encoger | crecer | to shrink | to grow |
enemigo | amigo | enemy | friend |
enfriar | calentar | to cool | to warm |
engordar | adelgazar | to gain weight | to lose weight |
enseñar | aprender | to teach | to learn |
entender | malinterpretar | to understand | to misunderstand |
entrar | salir | to enter | to exit |
enviar | recibir | to send | to receive |
esperanza | desesperación | hope | despair |
estar de acuerdo | no estar de acuerdo | to agree | to disagree |
este | oeste | East | West |
estrechez | amplitud | narrowness | width |
estupidez | inteligencia | stupidity | intelligence |
estúpido | listo | stupid | smart |
exacto | inexacto | accurate | inaccurate |
excepción | regla | exception | rule |
exigir | obedecer | to command | to obey |
éxito | fracaso | success | failure |
experto | profano | expert | layman |
exportar | importar | export | import |
extraño | familiar | strange | familiar |
fácil | difícil | easy | difficult |
famoso | desconocido | famous | unknown |
fealdad | belleza | ugliness | beauty |
felicidad | tristeza | happiness | sadness |
feliz | triste | happy | sad |
feo | bonito | ugly | pretty |
fiel | infiel | faithful | unfaithful |
fino | basto | fine | coarse |
flotar | hundir | to float | to sink |
fresco | estropeado | fresh | spoiled |
frío | calor | coldness | heat |
fuego | agua | fire | water |
ganancia | pérdida | gain | loss |
ganar | perder | to win | to lose |
gastar | ganar | to spend | to earn |
gasto | ingreso | expense | income |
gordo | delgado | fat | thin |
gordo | flaco | fat | lean |
grande | pequeño | big | small |
gritar | susurrar | to shout | to whisper |
hablador | callado | talkative | silent |
hablar | silenciar | to speak | to be silent |
hambriento | lleno | hungry | full |
hijo | hija | son | daughter |
hombre | mujer | man | woman |
honesto | deshonesto | honest | dishonest |
horizontal | vertical | horizontal | vertical |
huir | perseguir | to flee | to pursue |
importante | sin importancia | important | unimportant |
imprudencia | cuidado | recklessness | caution |
infantil | maduro | childish | mature |
inicio | fin | beginning | end |
inquilino | propietario | tenant | landlord |
intacto | roto | intact | broken |
interesante | aburrido | interesting | boring |
interno | externo | internal | external |
intrépido | asustado | fearless | scared |
invitado | anfitrión | guest | host |
izquierda | derecha | left | right |
justicia | injusticia | justice | injustice |
justo | injusto | fair | unfair |
justo | injusto | just | unjust |
lejos | cerca | far | near |
lenidad | severidad | leniency | strictness |
libertad | cautividad | freedom | captivity |
libre | encarcelado | free | imprisoned |
ligero | pesado | light | heavy |
limpiar | ensuciar | to clean | to dirty |
limpio | sucio | clean | dirty |
llenar | vaciar | to fill | to empty |
luz | oscuridad | light | darkness |
macho | hembra | male | female |
matrimonio | divorcio | marriage | divorce |
máximo | mínimo | maximum | minimum |
mayoría | minoría | majority | minority |
menos | más | less | more |
mentira | verdad | lie | truth |
miedo | coraje | fear | courage |
moderno | anticuado | modern | old-fashioned |
mojado | seco | wet | dry |
montañoso | plano | hilly | flat |
mucho | poco | many | few |
necesario | innecesario | necessary | unnecessary |
negro | blanco | black | white |
nervioso | tranquilo | nervous | calm |
neutral | parcial | neutral | biased |
niño | adulto | child | adult |
niño | niña | boy | girl |
norte | sur | North | South |
norteño | sureño | northern | southern |
nublado | soleado | cloudy | sunny |
obediente | desobediente | obedient | disobedient |
obligatorio | voluntario | compulsory | voluntary |
occidental | oriental | western | eastern |
ocupado | vacante | occupied | vacant |
odio | amor | hatred | love |
oficial | extraoficial | official | unofficial |
ofrecer | rechazar | to offer | to refuse |
optimista | pesimista | optimist | pessimist |
oral | escrito | oral | written |
orden | trastorno | order | disorder |
ordenado | desordenado | neat | messy |
oscuro | claro | dark | light |
paciente | impaciente | patient | impatient |
padre | madre | father | mother |
pagado | impagado | paid | unpaid |
par | impar | even | odd |
pasado | futuro | past | future |
paz | guerra | peace | war |
pedir | prestar | to borrow | to lend |
peligro | seguridad | danger | safety |
perdido | encontrado | lost | found |
permanente | temporal | permanent | temporary |
permitir | prohibir | to allow | to forbid |
pobre | rico | poor | rich |
poder | impotencia | power | helplessness |
posible | imposible | possible | impossible |
preguntar | responder | to ask | to answer |
premiar | castigar | to reward | to punish |
presente | ausente | present | absent |
privado | público | private | public |
probablemente | improbablemente | likely | unlikely |
profesor | estudiante | teacher | student |
profundo | superficial | deep | shallow |
prohibición | permiso | forbiddance | permission |
pronto | tarde | early | late |
pueblo | ciudad | village | city |
puro | impuro | pure | impure |
quedarse | irse | to stay | to leave |
rápido | lento | fast | slow |
raramente | a menudo | seldom | often |
rechazo | aceptación | rejection | acceptance |
recompensa | castigo | reward | punishment |
recordar | olvidar | to remember | to forget |
recto | torcido | straight | crooked |
reducir a la mitad | duplicar | to halve | to double |
regular | irregular | regular | irregular |
reír | llorar | to laugh | to cry |
remitente | destinatario | sender | addressee |
remoto | central | remote | central |
respetar | despreciar | to respect | to despise |
respeto | desprecio | respect | contempt |
respuesta | pregunta | answer | question |
revelar | ocultar | to reveal | to conceal |
riqueza | pobreza | wealth | poverty |
ruido | silencio | noise | silence |
ruidoso | tranquilo | noisy | quiet |
rural | urbano | rural | urban |
sabiduría | estupidez | wisdom | stupidity |
salado | dulce | salty | sweet |
salar | endulzar | to salt | to sweeten |
salida | entrada | exit | entrance |
salida | llegada | departure | arrival |
salir | llegar | to depart | to arrive |
salud | enfermedad | health | sickness |
salvaje | domado | wild | tame |
sano | enfermo | healthy | sick |
satisfecho | insatisfecho | satisfied | dissatisfied |
sed | hambre | thirst | hunger |
seguro | peligroso | safe | dangerous |
sembrar | cosechar | to sow | to reap |
sensible | insensible | sensitive | insensitive |
sentido | disparate | sense | nonsense |
seriedad | diversión | seriousness | fun |
similar | diferente | similar | dissimilar |
simple | complicado | simple | complicated |
sin límites | limitado | boundless | limited |
sin sentido | significativo | meaningless | meaningful |
singular | plural | singular | plural |
sobrino | sobrina | nephew | niece |
sobrio | borracho | sober | drunk |
social | antisocial | social | antisocial |
suave | áspero | smooth | rough |
suave | picante | mild | spicy |
suministro | demanda | supply | demand |
superior | inferior | superior | inferior |
tacaño | derrochador | miser | spendthrift |
tacaño | generoso | stingy | generous |
tarde | mañana | evening | morning |
tener éxito | fracasar | to succeed | to fail |
tener frío | sudar | to freeze | to sweat |
terminado | incompleto | finished | unfinished |
tierra | mar | land | sea |
tío | tía | uncle | aunt |
típico | antipático | typical | atypical |
torpe | elegante | clumsy | graceful |
trabajar | holgazanear | to work | to laze |
transparente | opaco | transparent | opaque |
unir | separar | to join | to separate |
usado | nuevo | used | new |
útil | inútil | useful | useless |
vacaciones | día laboral | holiday | workday |
vacío | lleno | empty | full |
vago | trabajador | lazy | hardworking |
valiente | cobarde | brave | cowardly |
valioso | sin valor | valuable | worthless |
valle | montaña | valley | mountain |
vejez | infancia | old age | childhood |
venir | ir | to come | to go |
verano | invierno | summer | winter |
verdadero | falso | TRUE | FALSE |
vestirse | desvestirse | to get dressed | to undress |
victoria | derrota | victory | defeat |
vida | muerte | life | death |
viejo | joven | old | young |
vivir | morir | to live | to die |
vivo | muerto | alive | dead |
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